"When a wolf meets a ninja" Written by Michelle the Wolf (http://nightottsel.deviantart.com/) As the wind blew the strands of fur into her face all that was on her mind was pain. Pain from the torture she went through, that burned inside of her, making her hurt. She shivered, as the wind blew again. She had been walking for awhile now, her feet were sore, aching from every step she took. She coughed, she had gone without water, and her throat was feeling quite dry. She leaned on a tree for rest, as soon as she did she sniffed, her ears pricking up as she sniffed again. Was that water she smelt? But something was strange to her, for there was a scent within the scent. As she walked through the bushes she stopped and ducked down, her three tails flicking slightly. She looked out from behind the bush, for there was a creature sitting there by a lake. From what she could see from the back of the creature, was that the creature had some sort of inward head, had purplish scales, three black spikes down its spine and a long curly tail. A Chameleon perhaps? She ducked down as she noticed it turning it's head, she then slowly looked back out from behind the bush, the creature was gone. Blinking slightly she had a strange feeling of that this time she was being watch. "And who might you be..wolf?" Her eyes went wide and her ears drooped, she slowly turned her head towards the voice, almost falling backwards to see the Chameleon creature standing there "Well..?" She blinked "I'm..I'm Michelle.." "Michelle hmm? Spying on me?" "Well..no.. I picked up your scent as well as the water and being a curious wolf I am..wondered what you were doing.." The Chameleon just starred at her silently, until he broke the silence "Not trying to hunt me..were you?" with that he pulled out a sharp weapon making Michelle flinch, she shook her head "No..wolves don't hunt alone but I wasn't hunting you, no.." "So your a lone wolf?" "Yes.." "Why'd you leave your pack?" "I'd..rather not talk about it right now..." "Oh.." he put his weapon away. "You don't seem a threat.." he helped her up smiling slightly "My name is Espio.." deep down Espio somewhat didn't trust her though, she may be a lone wolf but for all he knew she could just be acting as that to trap him for her pack. "Soo, what were you doing out here Espio?" "Meditating.." "Meditating?" Michelle gave a confused look to him and he sighed. "I'm a Ninja, I meditate to focus my energy and preserve my power." Michelle smiled "Never heard of a Ninja before..." Espio blinked in surprise "You haven't?" Michelle shook her head "Nope! I'm a forest creature I wouldn't know what that is, but I know what a Warrior is, as I am one, well..kinda." Espio smiled slightly "A warrior hmmm?" Michelle nodded "Yeah. My Mother use to train me, but the training ended after she..." "After she what?" "...died.." "I'm..sorry to hear that." "Although I'm an orphan now, I survive alone." Espio went silent and then spoke "Survive? On what?" Michelle looked to him "Only fruits and water." "No meat?" "I don't hunt live innocent flesh no more, I gave it up after I left my pack." Espio nodded "I see." Espio turned and walked away "Where you going?" "Back home." "Do you know the way out?" Espio stopped in his tracks, a sweatdropped appeared down his face, he had been meditating for so long and got distracted by Michelle that he forgot the way out, he turned back to her and Michelle smiled "You forgot didn't cha?" Espio nodded "Normally I don't forget but it seems I got distracted." "Hey, you were the one who wanted to know what I was up too." "True. But the small talk distracted my mind." "Are you speaking ninja talk to me?" "Ugh. I'm a ninja in training I either speak normally or ninjaly, now if you'll excuse me.." Espio walked passed her and Michelle grinned "Your going the wrong waaay..." Espio stopped and looked at her "And I suppose you know the way?" Michelle nodded "I've been wandering this forest for some time, I know the way out like the back of my tails." "Tails?" "I have...three tails..." "Thats rare for a wolf.." Michelle looked down and changed the subject "Well you can either go the wrong way or I can help you get out. Your choice." Espio began to think, if he took the wrong way he would definetly be lost, whereas if he had the aid of Michelle he'd be out quicker, he'd have to trust her for now "Alright Lead the way Michelle." Michelle smiled wagging her tails slightly "Alrighty! Follow me!" Espio shook his head "That reminded me of Charmy..." "Who?" "Nevermind.." Espio continued to follow her through the forest. Night fell and Michelle had gotten them lost. "I thought you knew the way out?" "I must of took a wrong turn, but I swear I took the right path." Espio glared at her, Michelle tried to calm him "Please don't be mad, I promise I'll find the right way." Espio growled slightly and pulled out a ninja star "You sure your not leading me into a trap wolf?!" Michelle jumped in fright and shook her head "No! I wouldn't do such a thing!" Espio didn't move "A lone wolf, who eats fruits getting us lost. Sounds like lies to me." Michelle stood her ground "Espio Please. I wouldn't do that. Not to a friend. I'm not like other wolves." "Isn't that what they all say?" Michelle glared at him, she couldn't believe he wasn't believing her. Her ears then twitched as she heard a noise from behind a bush, she looked over the bush to see rabbit caught in one of those rope traps, it was hanging from the tree trying to escape, Michelle gasped "Poor Little thing!" Espio watched her go behind the bush and he followed, he saw Michelle with the rabbit, he watched as Michelle held the rope, slicing it with her claws, holding the rabbit and untying the knot on it leg "There ya go little fella." She placed the rabbit down and it limped away. She looked to Espio who looked at her back "A real wolf would of eaten that rabbit don't you think?" Espio looked down putting his ninja star away "Forgive me." Michelle nodded "I do, come on we'll need to find shelter for the night." She walked off and Espio followed. Michelle noticed the fire flies were out buzzing about and she smiled, she caught on in her hands and Espio blinked "You didn't just-" "Oh don't think I'd kill the poor things Espio." She smiled, opening her hand to let the fire fly free. "I see a cave up ahead." "We can rest in there then." They headed for the cave and sat down, Espio looked to Michelle she was sitting on her knees, with one of her tails over her lap "So..why did you leave your pack?" Michelle looked to him, then looked down her eyes full of sadness "I was born with three tails...My mother and the Elder thought I was special..but the teenage wolves didn't...my Rival Kanika started the whole thing, I was teased and beaten up, when my Mother found out she kept me inside,Then she left for war with the Elder, they went to fight our Rivals the Scarlett tribe..After my mum left I left the next day having a fight with Kanika...I've been alone ever since..." For some reason Espio could feel the sadness in her words as she spoke "Hmm.." "I don't wanna speak anymore of it..." Espio nodded "Then let's rest.." Michelle nodded. They both lied down and soon drifted off to sleep, Michelle flinched as she slept beginning to have a nightmare. "Mother? Mother?!" Michelle tripped over she was her young self as a cub and couldn't see her Mother anywhere, she began to cry, but heard howling and growling nearby, she ran towards the sound and stopped, she was watching the war between her pack and the Scarlett pack. She could see alot of warriors dead on the floor, then she spotted her Mother "Mother!" Her Mother was too busy fighting to hear her, but Michelle knew she couldn't just step into the war, she called again, but no reply. She watched her Mother battle and soon saw a wolf behind her Mother, she gasped "Mother behind you!! Mother!!" Too late she watched as her Mother was stabbed "Mother!!" She ran into the war not caring and stopped dead in her tracks as a warrior appeared in front of her raising his claws, as he struck down she screamed. "NO!! Michelle shot up straight, she was sweating and panting "Mother..." She felt the tears run down her face and she ran out the cave. "Hmm?" Espio woke up after hearing crying and caught sight of Michelle leaving the cave "Michelle?" He blinked and got up to run after her. He saw her back a tree sitting down crying silently, he walked over to her "Is something wrong?" "I couldn't save her..." "Who?" "My Mother..I watched her died..before my own eyes..." "Michelle it was only a nightmare." Michelle glared at him slightly tears still running down her cheeks "It still brings back memories I don't wanna remember..I've had these nightmares ever since I left the pack..I just want them to go away.." Espio looked down "I'm sorry.." he then looked at her "Is there anything you do to help you go back to sleep?" "Normally I can't after a nightmare..." Espio began to think, then smiled. "I know you can meditate like me." "I thought that was only to focus?" "True. But it can clear you mind as well." "Ok I'll try it." Espio smiled "Alright, cross your legs like I do." He showed her and she blinked "You sure that doesn't hurt?" Espio shook his head, Michelle shrugged and did the same as him, but almost fell backwards "Keep your balance." Michelle got the position and looked to him "Now put your hands together like I do." Michelle watched and did the same as him "Now, all you have to do is close your eyes and clear your mind think of something that doesn't bring back your memories and focus on that." Michelle nodded and did as she was told. Michelle began to think of a waterfall at night with Butterlfies and Fire flies, soon enough she started to relax, and soon enough she fell asleep. Espio noticed this and smiled "I knew that would work." he looked around, picking her up and going back into the cave, he layed her down gentley and soon layed down himself and fell asleep. Espio heard giggling "Hmm?" he opened one eye Michelle wasn't in the cave "Michelle?" Espio slowly got up and stretched, he stretched his tail he stretched it abit to much and got a cramp "Ow! Damn cramps." he walked outside and found Michelle chasing a Butterfly, he watched as she chased it and tripped into a bush he smiled slightly, giving a slight chuckle. Michelle popped her head out the bush "Did I get it?" "No but the bush got you." Michelle giggled at him "Morning Mr Ninja." Espio looked at her "Excuse me?" "I said Mr Ninja" Espio glared at her "What?" "Don't call me that!" "Got it Mr ninja!" She giggled Espio growled slightly " Thats it!" Espio charged at her Michelle eyes went wide and she ran. "Wait til I get my hands on you!" "Have to catch me first!" Michelle ran faster and hid in a bush up ahead and watched as Espio stopped inches ahead, she smiled as she watched Espio look around for her, Michelle ducked her head down then looked back up. He was gone, Michelle blinked wondering where he could of disappeared too, but what Michelle didn't know was that he had disappeared he was standing by the tree beside her, watching her confused look, and he smirked. Michelle got up and looked around "Espio? Espiooo? Hey where ya go?" As Michelle looked around Espio snuck up behind her and stood there with his arms folded, he made himself visable and waited for Michelle to turn round. Michelle looked left and right "Esp-" she had looked behind her and saw Espio standing there she jumped in fright "How long have you been there for?!" "A few seconds." "You scared me, amazing how you snuck up behind me without making a sound." "Ninja's are silent. They must not be seen by their target. That why we lurk." "Soo..you prowl around in the darkness like wolves huh?" "You could say that, but come. We must find this way out." "Ok! I'll lead the way again." Michelle walked off with Espio following behind her it, soon enough it began to rain. "How far is the next cave?" Michelle shrugged "Who knows? So far we only have trees to shelter from the rain." Michelle stomach growled "Something wrong?" "I'm getting hungry. And I can smell fruit up ahead." "I could do with something to eat." They began to run ahead coming to an apple tree, Espio threw a ninja star Knocking two apples off "Nice shot Espio." Espio smiled "It's all part of the training." They sat under the tree for shelter as they began to eat the apples "One question how do you get fruit from the trees?" "Rocks to knock them down like you did with that star thingy." Espio nodded "Good skills." He took another bite of his apple, the rain was still pouring down on then little droplets were falling off the leaves and landing on their heads, but it didn't bother them as they were already soaked. They decided to carry on and finish off their apples while they walked, Espio turned to Michelle smiling slightly "Like a challenge?" Michelle looked to him and nodded "Sure." "Alright lets see who can throws their apple core the furtherest." "Ok!" "You go first." Michelle nodded she put her arm back and flung the apple core forward, after hearing it land Espio threw his, they then ran to see who had gone further. "Looks like mine won." Michelle shrugged "Ah well, better luck for me next time. Race ya to the next cave." Espio nodded and they ran. Espio ran faster and stopped he had reached a ditch "Woah that was close." "Gonna catch ya Espio! "Michelle wait!!" Michelle couldn't stop herself running and ran right into Espio, they both fell down into the muddy ditch. "I told you to stop!" "I couldn't stop quick enough, I'm sorry.." Espio glared "Now how are we gonna get out, its too muddy." Michelle looked around "Find a lower level then we can climb out easily." "Gonna be hard with this mud. "At least the rain is washing it off.." "Hmph!" They searched for a lower level of the ditch to climb out, once the did they sat down not speaking a word. Espio then looked to her "So got any other bright ideas?" "Look I said I was sorry. But I will find the way out." "You keep saying that but you don't!" "I'm trying ain't I? Unless you wanna find in yourself, were even more lost now!" "Thanks to you!" "I said I was sorry!" Michelle didn't want to continue arguing and walked off, Espio glared at her as she did, but sighed and went invisable following her. After sometime he appeared in front of her "Michelle?" "Espio I'm sorry for yelling at you." "No. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Its my temper." Michelle nodded and they carried on through the rain. Night came again, they had still not found the way out. They found a cave, and went inside sheltering from the rain which had now gotten heavier. They laid down to sleep, as Michelle drifted off she shivered from the cold, Espio had sensed this and looked at her, he saw her shiver again. Moving close to her he pulled her close to him, his arms around her to keep her warm. Michelle opened her eyes slightly as she felt this and looked down seeing his hands, she smiled and went back to sleep. She had no nightmare that night. Michelle awoke, she stretched but could not see Espio. She got up and walked outside the cave she found Espio meditating, she grinned and jumped into the nearby bushes and snuck up behind him smiling, she was just about to grab his tail. "Don't even try." Michelle blinked "How did you know?" Espio smiled turning to her "Remember mediating keep my senses focused I knew you were behind me." "So you can sense things?" "Indeed." "Oh.." Michelle gave a playful smile, and Espio blinked "What are you up to?" "Lets see if ya sense this coming!" Michelle lunged forward pinning him down and tickling him ""H-hey! Cut it out!" he laughed "Awww is Espio ticklish?" Michelle tickled him more and then stopped "Didn't sense that coming did ya?" Espio glared "I'll get you back without warning." Michelle sweatdropped slightly and gave a nervous giggle "Well, let's get moving." They began there search of the way out again. Espio along the way kept glancing at Michelle from the corner of his eye, he had a weird feeling inside of him. He hadn't trusted her at first but now he did, he watched as she smiled at a Butterfly flying pass and she tried to catch it almost tripping up, he smiled at this, but couldn't shake off the weird feeling. Michelle soon ran ahead coming to cross roads "Wait a minute..I reconise this place!" Espio ran up beside her "You mean you found it?" "If I remember correctly, We go right." Espio nodded and they headed that way. Along the way they ate apples again to keep going and stopping to rest their legs. Soon night fell once more, and Michelle smiled as the fire flies were buzzing about once more, one landed on Espio's horn and he shook it off, Michelle giggled and he looked to her, Michelle smiled and then spotted fireflies above a bush. "Watch this.." Michelle crept up wiggled her tails slightly and pounced into the bush making more fire flies come out, as she stood to get out the bush her foot got caught and she tripped, Espio chuckled slightly and went over to help her up, as she stood she stumbled slightly into Espio, he caught her, but as she lifted her head, she blushed realising how close their faces were. Espio blushed himself "Sorry Espio." Michelle let go and Espio nodded letting her know it was ok. They carried on walking and they soon reached the outside of the forest, Espio spotted his home ahead. "Michelle we did it, were out." "Is that were you live over there?" "Yes. The Chaotix Detective Agency." "A Detective?" Espio smiled at her "Why don't you stay? You have nowhere to go" "I can't." "Why not? My friends would be ok with it." "The forest is my home..." Michelle knew why, she was afraid of being rejected by his friends "I'm sorry Espio. Just go." Espio looked at her sadly, Michelle looked down and she hugged him, and without realising kissed his cheek and she blushes madly. "I better go." She ran off leaving Espio standing there holding his cheek. "Michelle.." "Espio?! Where have ya been pal? Its been days did ya get lost or something?" Espio nodded "Yes I did Vector." Charmy buzzed up to his face "But I thought you knew that forest well?" "So did I but luckily I had help." "Help from who?" "A female wolf she offered to help me get out but got lost herself." Vector grinned "Ohhh female eh?" Espio glared "Whats thats tone of voice for Vector?" Vector grinned innocently "Ohhh nothing. So whats she like?" Espio looked at him "Do you think I like her or something Vector?" Charmy grinned "It seems like it Espiooo.." Espio shook his head, but deep down he knew himself he DID like her, maybe even more than a friend. "Ohhh he went silent." Espio glared at Vector "I don't like her got it? She's just a friend." Vector smiled "Yeah sure. A Girlfriend." Espio growled "I said a friend Vector." "Yeah. But what I meant was shes a girl but your friend, Girlfriend, get it?" Espio rolled his eyes at Vector "I'm getting rest." With that Espio walked pass his friends and into his room locking the door "Oh yeah hes gotta a crush." Charmy looked at him "How do you know?" "You'll understand when your older Charmy. I just know these things with Teenagers." Espio lay on his bed, he was lying on his side his head rested on his arm looking out the window, his mind was on her. Michelle. He wanted to be there with her, he kept imaging her under a tree shivering in the rain looking for shelter, his thoughts were broken by a howl. "Michelle?" he listened and the howl came again, Espio knew it could only be Michelle, but was she calling for him? Or just howling at the moon? He laid down hearing the howl once more as he drifted off to sleep. Espio was outside Meditating in the sun, he could hear Vector's music blasting from inside the house it was blocking out Charmy's constant buzzing while looking at the flowers. As he meditated he sensed something nearby, immdiantly he shot up and ran off into the forest. Espio stopped looking around he still had that sense of feeling, he then heard giggling and knew straight away who the giggle was from. He followed it and he found Michelle chasing Butterflies, he was as she smiled at one landing on her nose, "Michelle?" Michelle turned to him "Espio?" Michelle smiled "What brings you here?" "You." "Me?" Espio nodded, Michelle blinked at him and watched as he walked towards her, "I heard you howling last night, were you howling at the moon?" Michelle shook her head "No..you..Cause I missed you." Espio blushed as she said this "You missed me?" "Its get lonely out here, When I met you I was glad I made a friend." Espio smiled "Michelle..I..." he choked it was hard for him to get the words out. "Last night..I...was thinking of you..when you were howling to me.." "You..were?" Michelle blushed madly as Espio nodded at her, "Yes, I missed you too..but...deep down..I had this weird feeling I had it since I first started getting to..know you. And..well..it made me realise something.." "What's that Espio?" Espio fell silent, he knew he should say the words before he kissed her but he couldn't help it, he put his hands on her shoulders, now blushing more then ever as he leaned in and kissed her lips softly. As he broke the kissed, he smiled still blushing "I..love you Michelle." Michelle blushed, but at the same time felt like crying, no-one, even of the different species had felt that way about her before. She was speechless and remember the rule of her wolf pack that a wolf could only love a wolf, but she shook that off her mind she was a lone wolf now and could whoever she wanted to love. Which was Espio. She felt a tear run down her cheek as she hugged Espio "Michelle?" He held her close looking at her "I..love you too Espio.." She look at him now with more tears, Espio knew why she was crying and wiped her tears away with his thumb. Michelle smiled slightly her ears drooping, as she felt Espio stroaked her cheek and felt his lips on hers once more. The end...?