Chaotix OpinionsLast update January 10th, 2006
In February 2005, I hold a little competition on this page, in which I wanted to have people's opinions about the Knuckles Chaotix, their favourite characters, games, comics etc. Unfortunately, the competition flopped quite a bit, as I only got 8 replies (I have to admit that I had expected more, as I had over 1500 visitors to my page while the competition was going on). Therefore, I cancelled the competition, but still delivered a few things to those who did entry. To the eight of you, thanks a million!!
As the competition was over, I still kept this page open for people to cast their votes and opinions. But, I felt it took a bit too much time to update the poll, so I decided to end the poll when 20 opinions had been given, which has happened by now (January 10th, 2006). And these are the final results:
1) Who is your favourite Chaotix member? [Vector, Espio, Mighty, Charmy]
40% Mighty 35% Espio 15% Charmy 10% Vector
(Mighty and Espio were both fighting for the lead for a long time, and it seems as Mighty won...fairly interesting to see that he is the most popular character, as he hasn't been around for a while! And I agree, my own vote goes to Mighty (surprise, surprise...) )
2) Which Chaotix-related game is your favourite? [Knuckles Chaotix 32X, Sega Sonic Arcade, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Heroes]
50% Knuckles Chaotix 32X 45% Sonic Heroes 5% Sonic the Fighters
(Quite as I had expected. My favourite is SegaSonic Arcade)
3) If Sega Sonic Arcade and/or Sonic the Fighters would be released on a home system, would you buy the game(s)? [Yes, No, I don't know, Only Sega Sonic Arcade, Only Sonic the Fighters]
95% Yes 5% Don't Know
(I thought so. Most people who visit this page are interested in the Knuckles Chaotix after all. ;) In my case, yes, absolutely!)
4) Do you think there ever will be any more Chaotix-related game in the future? [Yes, No]
90% Yes 10% No
(I'm absolutely certain they won't. I still wonder regarding "Shadow the hedgehog"... )
5) What is your opinion about that Mighty the Armadillo got excluded from Sonic Heroes? [It is a shame, I don't really bother, It served him right!]
80% It's a shame 20% I don't bother
(I too feel pity for the dillo, and it seems as most people wouldn't have minded to have him in. But copyrights could sometimes be a real pain...)
6) Knuckles the Echidna excluded to the Chaotix, who would be the most suitable leader for the Chaotix? [Vector, Espio, Mighty, Charmy]
75% Vector 15% Espio 15% Mighty
(No surprises here. I too agree about Vector)
7) Which comic with the Chaotix do you prefer? [Archie, Fleetway]
70% Fleetway 20% Archie 10% Neither
(Yes, Fleetway certainly!!!)
8) Which Chaotix member would be most likely to settle down, get married and have kids? [Vector, Espio, Mighty, Charmy] 40% Mighty 30% Charmy 15% Vector 10%Espio 5% None
(Did Mighty settle down while being away? Could be!)
9) If VECTOR would fall in love, who would be most suitable to be his girlfriend? [Sally, Bunnie, Julie-Su, Mina, Hershey, Tikal, Amy Rose, Cream, Rouge, Tekno, Ebony, other (own suggestion)]
40% Other 20% Tekno 10% Julie-Su 10% Bunnie Rabbot 5% Hershey 5% Rouge 5% Vanilla 5% Ebony
(Interesting results. Hmm...yes, I guess Tekno and Vector would go well together, technical geniouses as they both are. Vector and Julie-Su? I'd like to see that!! XD)
10) If ESPIO would fall in love, who would be most suitable to be his girlfriend? [Sally, Bunnie, Julie-Su, Mina, Hershey, Tikal, Amy Rose, Cream, Rouge, Tekno, Ebony, other (own suggestion)]
35% Ebony 25% Other 15% Rouge the Bat 10% Amy Rose 5% Tekno 5% Tikal 5% Michelle The wolf
(Ebony would probably fit Espio well, as they both are a bit of mysterious characters. :) )
11) If MIGHTY would fall in love, who would be most suitable to be his girlfriend? [Sally, Bunnie, Julie-Su, Mina, Hershey, Tikal, Amy Rose, Cream, Rouge, Tekno, Ebony, other (own suggestion)]
35% Other 20% Tikal 15% Amy Rose 10% Bunnie Rabbot 5% Mina 5% Julie-Su 5% Sonia The hedgehog 5% Rouge
(Oh dear, I feel split on this question. Tikal would certainly be suitable choice for Mighty. But I actually think that he and Bunnie Rabbot would make a good couple. They certainly would be powerful together!)
12) If CHARMY would fall in love, who would be most suitable to be his girlfriend? [Sally, Bunnie, Julie-Su, Mina, Hershey, Tikal, Amy Rose, Cream, Rouge, Tekno, Ebony, other (own suggestion)]
70% Cream 25% other 5% Amy Rose (*smiles* I guess all other girls would be too mature for the bee... :) )
13) If VECTOR would be an Earthling, what would be his home country? [Australia, Brazil, England, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kongo, Malaysia, Russia, Tazmania, USA, other]
45% USA 20% Jamaica 20% Australia 10% Brazil 5% Tazmania
(Quite as I expected. I too believe the either would be from Jamaica or USA. Miami, perhaps...?)
14) If ESPIO would be an Earthling, what would be his home country? [Australia, Brazil, England, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kongo, Malaysia, Russia, Tazmania, USA, other]
75% Japan 5% Malaysia 5% India 5% Australia 5% Cyprus 5% Russia
(Again, no surprises. As he is a ninja, Japan is indeed suitable...)
15) If MIGHTY would be an Earthling, what would be his home country? [Australia, Brazil, England, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kongo, Malaysia, Russia, Tazmania, USA, other]
30% USA 15% Australia 10% Brazil 5% Sweden 5% England 5% Canada 5% Kongo 5% Tazmania 5% Scotland 5% Japan 5% USA 5% Other
(This was really a split result! But as far as I know, real armadillos live in Australia (or was it Tazmania? Both?), so I say Australia. Mighty from Sweden?! Yeah, could be... ;) )
16) If CHARMY would be an Earthling, what would be his home country? [Australia, Brazil, England, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kongo, Malaysia, Russia, Tazmania, USA, other]
40% England 25% USA 10% Jamaica 10% Russia 5% Brazil 5% Tazmania
(This result surprised me very much. Are they producing a lot of honey in the UK by any chance...? I'd go for Brazil)
17) What would be VECTOR's favourite food? [Fries, fried insects, fruits, Hamburger, mixed vegetables, pizza, sushi, steak, other]
50% Steak 25% Pizza 10% Hamburger 5% Nachos 5% Fish 5% Other
(Fast food for the croc, of course! I think he would be very fond of pizza, but of course, steak should also be tasteful)
18) What would be ESPIO's favourite food? [Fries, fried insects, fruits, Hamburger, mixed vegetables, pizza, sushi, steak, other]
30% Fruits 25% Sushi 20% Fried Insects 10% Steak 5% Rice 5% Chicken 5% Mixed Vegetables
(Slight surprise. I thought he would be more fond of sushi. Most people say he is Japanese so...go figure. ;) )
19) What would be MIGHTY's favourite food? [Fries, fried insects, fruits, Hamburger, mixed vegetables, pizza, sushi, steak, other]
50% Hamburger 15% Fruits 15% Pizza 10% Beef jerky 10% Steak
(I thought Mighty would be more fond of steaks, but fast food as hamburgers would also suit him well, I guess... :) )
20) What would be CHARMY's favourite food? [Fries, fried insects, fruits, Hamburger, mixed vegetables, pizza, sushi, steak, other]
30% Fruits 15% other 10% Candy 10% Pizza 10% Fries 10% Flowers 5% Sugar 5% Sushi 5% Vegetables
(Yes, Charmy is flying from plant to plant, so I guess he is a vegetarian. Fruits or vegetables would probably be his choice)
21) Why does Espio have such a deep mysterious voice? [It is his personality, He caught a cold, He swallowed a piece of sandpaper, he is hiding the fact that he is soprano]
95% It is his personality 5% He is hiding the fact that he is Soprano
(I agree, this was a silly question, but I had to. I am certain that he swallowed a piece of sand-paper!)
22) If Mighty the Armadillo and Bark the Polarbear would fight each other, who would win? [Mighty, Bark, it would be a double K.O]
65% Mighty 20% Bark 15% Doube K.O
(This would be a fight well worth to watch. I think they would be extremely even and therefore a Double K.O. But if there only would be one winner, then I say Mighty... ;) )
23) How high is Charmy's IQ? [Rate 1 to 200]
Got the following results: 75, 200, 78, 100, 100, 78, 3, 50, 145, 90, 82, 76, 20, 75 and 140 = Average: 82,2
(Yep, an IQ of around 60-80 would probably be his intelligence level. But sometimes he could certainly come up with brilliant ideas)
24) What kind of music is Vector listening to on his walkman? [Russian Volkmusik, Jamaican Reagge, Calypso from Miami, German Synth music from the 80's, Japanese Techno, American Country, Austrian Classic, Spanish Tango, other]
25% Hip Hop 20% Japanese techno 15% Jamaican Reagge 15% Other (Heavy Metal) 5% German Synth music from the 80's 5% R&B 5% The Bittles 5% Mozart 5% Disco
(I always believed Vector to be a dancer, so I'd either say Japanese techno, or German Synth music from the 80's. I think I'll go for the synth! ;) )
Rate the following questions on a scale 1-10, 1 being worst, 10 the best.
25) If you have seen the episode 39 of Sonic X, where the Chaotix appeared, how do you rate the episode? [1-10, I haven't watched it]
25% I haven't watched it Other results: 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 5 and 5 = Average 7,8
(I rated the episode 6.5: Fair enough. :) )
26) If there will be any more episodes of Sonic X, do you think the Chaotix will return to it? [Yes, No]
87,5% Yes 12,5% No
(We know by now that the Chaotix will return!! But before I knew that, I didn't believe they would. Since we already know the answer to this question, this question is not valid for the poll any longer)
27) How do you rate www.knuckleschaotix.net in general? [1-10]
Results: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, = Average 9,3
(*bows* Thank you!!)
28) How do you rate the layout of www.knuckleschaotix.net? [1-10]
Results: 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8 1/2, 8 1/2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 and 6 = Average 8,2
(I agree that the layout isn't very thrilling, but I more focus on having easy access to the material than having a flashy homepage that takes forever to download. I guess I'll keep this layout for a while...)
29) How do you rate the ammount of downloadable material of www.knuckleschaotix.net? [1-10] Results: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8 and 7 = Average 9,2
(Yay!! *hugs you all* Two of you gave me 11 points, and one gave me 12 (which would make the average 9,35). Thank you so much!! And there will be even more later on, I promise!!
30) If you only had one wish about what I should focus more at to improve the page, what would it be? [More scanned comics, More Fan Art, More Stories, More Soundclips, More Music, More Information, other (you suggest)]
35% More comics 20% More information about the games 15% More music 10% More stories (and fan-made comics) 10% Fan Art 5% More stories/fan fiction 5% No wishes
(Comics are still of great interest on this page. It is always difficult to get new fan-made Chaotix comics, since they are completely depending on other artists.)
To all of you who sent me your opinions - thank you!!